
Our Nonprofit Work

A Message From The ED

[dephoro] Organization (created alongside [dephoro] Corporation, the marketplace owner) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation which emphasizes, and enables humanity through, a harmonious mix of education and entertainment. We specialize in building virtual environments and experiences, all designed by humans, which we are being leveraged to full-on revolutionize the academic process in addition to delivering immersive and surreal entertainment experiences in the form of concerts, shows, games, and more. All of which is to be given away for free, as education should be a human birthright and we are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to enable it.

Modern academic institutions are severely limited by their range of operation. To attend MIT, you have to live in Boston. Even then, there are only so many chairs in any given classroom. In that classroom, the professor writes on a two dimensional board, while you take notes on your two dimensional notebook page, while glancing at the two dimensional text in the open book off to the side. That textbook cost you $400. Used.

We find it odd that despite living in a three dimensional world, with the technology to run immersive large-scale video games, that we would academically limit ourselves so severely. Our organization will provide a solution. An evolution. Our for profit partners ensure that we really can give our systems out for free.

As expressed by Frederick Douglass in his autobiography, which we encourage everyone to read, education is the means to free oneself from slavery. It serves as, when done properly and for the right reasons, an intellectual vaccine against injustice, intolerance, and hate. Education is how you uplift the entire species.

Yet, despite these demonstrable truths, education is widely mocked. Looking at modern academic institutions and practices, we can empathize with those mocking it. Modern academia is severely lacking. People pursue degrees for money, not for interest. When the degree itself ends up costing students a quarter of a million dollars, it is hard to blame them. The whole of the system is rendered meaningless under these conditions. It is a catastrophic and self-destructive flaw.

We believe in harmony. The Executive Director’s favorite movie is “Contact” with Matthew McConaughey and Jodie Foster. The premise of the movie is wholesome: Jodie’s character, Elle, is an astronomer who works for SETI and her job is to find signs of other intelligent life in the universe. They spent decades and hundreds of millions of dollars trying to do so, with no noteworthy results.

A signal was eventually detected, through the sheer persistence of Elle and her team, and the signal contained schematics for a structural device. The schematics themselves were written in multiple dimensions. Like, picture a transparent sheet that would go on a projector with bits of writing on it. Depending on how you line that sheet up with other sheets behind it, different messages would form. In doing so, you can condense information at a dimensional level, so to speak. Hence, the idea of utilizing virtualized environments for education.

The structure from the schematics was built and Elle was selected to be the person to test it. Nobody actually knew what it did, but Elle was supposed to sit inside of a circular metal pod and be dropped through a set of spinning rings. As she does so, when she gets to the center of the rings, she is zipped off to another place in space, making stops at random space objects along the way to see them up close. Mind you, she is a career astrophysicist.

Upon seeing these cosmic objects and understanding fully what they are, she breaks down and says the phrase: “They should have sent a poet.” It is my (ED) favorite line in all of cinema. That right there is why we want to emphasize art and creativity alongside academia. The two go hand-in-hand in the most profound and impactful ways. Nobody can convey the beauty of reality better than an artist can.

Due to the limitations inherent in a nonprofit, if you want to make the biggest difference possible with said nonprofit, you tie it to a for profit. Everything you see here exists to serve [dephoro] Organization. In totality. We have a grand vision, and we need the advantages; as well as your support.

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Unrestrained Potential

We are here to develop a system that makes you want to learn physics (as an example) because physics is fun and fascinating. We are here to provide you with a world-class education without the world-class cost, and then do the same for every other human on the planet. We do not care about, in any way whatsoever, harvesting your generosity for our own gain. Our purpose is beyond that, founded in a firm understanding of our collective position and direction.

Support Our Vision

In a world that is soon to be inundated with AI, we wanted to stand firm as a bastion for humanity; providing explicitly human services, designed by and for humans.

Free Education

Free Entertainment

Not Quite Yet

We will start taking donations for [dephoro] Organization once the marketplace is stable, secure, and successful. We sincerely appreciate your interest. We have an amazing team who is working on this voluntarily for now.

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